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Stock trading system: Lets know more about Stock market
The stock market is trading place for company securities and derivatives. Company securities are basically the stocks and shares which are issued by the company to the general public for generating capital. A security can be defined as negotiable instrument which has a financial value for a certain time span. The time span might be as short as six months or it can be as long as three years. They can be classified as equity and debt. Debentures are also a kind of company securities. Stock exchange is the place which stands as a market for trading these company securities. These stock market securities are listed in a framework called as stock market index, which also reflects the compound value of all the securities.
The procedure of subscribing for the sale of the company has a long procedure which has to be a transparent call. The process is called as transparent call system because of the subscription process which demands publication of the forfeiture amount, subscription amount and many more legal statements.
Stock market allows trading of small as well as big market securities. Small market securities are basically the short term securities which have a short life span whereas long term securities have a time span which might extend up to years span. If one wishes to invest in a particular company security, one can refer to the portfolio of the company registered with the stock exchange records.
In a business market capital is the most important source as it feeds the business operations. In case of large business organization like a corporate, capital needs to be generated from the external sources also. The external sources are accessed through a stock market, which act as meeting place for the lender as well as the borrower.
The business goes public this way as all the information about the company is displayed on the notice of the security market. Since the stock exchange is a base source it is also a legal court, which regulates the function of all the security exchanges taking place in the capital market. Public subscription is to be announced according to the laws of the stock market. Since, it is a legal institution the market ensures safety with regard to the money of the investors.
Nevertheless, the efficiency of an economy or rather a countrys economy depends on the working of stock market. The rise and fall of stock market describes countrys financial situation. If a stock exchange views a hike, it is said to be a bullish market situation whereas if it is experiencing a recession, it is said to have a bearish slope.
However, the stock market is also a place where individuals can sell as well as buy company securities for themselves but the process is carried out through the help of a stock broker as all individuals are not allowed an entry in the stock market. Buying and selling of securities has encouraged a lot of speculation, which itself earns a lot of money to the brokers as well as the speculators, on behave of whom brokers indulge in such a speculation.
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